People don’t spend a lot of time thinking about their auto insurance. In fact, until they have a fender-bender or need something repaired, they rarely consider it at all. But it is a good idea to think about it if you want to make sure you are following the law in your state.
Foresee General Insurance Agency Inc. reminds you that Insurance laws are allocated to the states so it’s important to note that insurance laws vary from state to state. If you live in Arkansas for example, you need to know that the mandatory requirements are:
- $25,000 bodily injury liability coverage
- $50,000 per accident
- $25,000 property damage per person
Alternative coverage includes:
- $25,000 Underinsured and uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage
- $50,000 per accident
- $25,000 Underinsured and uninsured property damage per person
These alternative coverages are not mandated, but it’s a good idea to consider carrying uninsured and underinsured insurance in the event you are involved in an accident with an underinsured or uninsured motorist. If you have this coverage, your insurance will pay for your repairs and medical bills if the other party’s insurance doesn’t.
Penalties for not carrying the minimums
The required insurance coverages are not negotiable. In Harrison Arkansas (or anywhere else in the state of Arkansas), penalties for failure to carry the required insurance are:
- Mandatory fines ranging from $50-$250 per incident for the first offense
- $250-$500 for the second offense
- $500-$1000 for the third offense
Beyond that, you can also be subject to paying additional court fees and costs including jail time up to one year. You could even lose your license permanently if you are involved in an accident while uninsured.
Keep it in Your Car
Not only do you need to make sure you are carrying the minimums, but you are also required by Arkansas law to keep a copy of your proof of insurance in your car. If you do not have this in your glove compartment when pulled over, you will pay additional fines for failure to carry it in your vehicle.
Why Risk It?
Arkansas is one of the many states that require auto insurance. It’s really not worth the risk to not carry it. So study the minimums and make sure you have the basic requirements covered. Then discuss your personal insurance needs with the professionals with Foresee General Insurance Agency Inc in Harrison, AR.